State and Local Policy Database

Park City

City Scorecard Rank


Park City, UT

Scored out of 250Updated 05/2024
Community-Wide Initiatives
Score: 2.5 out of 10 points
Community-Wide Climate Mitigation and Energy GoalsList All

Park City’s Community Carbon Roadmap sets a goal to reduce community greenhouse gas emissions 15% below 2005 levels by 2020.  In addition to the greenhouse gas goal, the City Council adopted several broad goals for energy conservation and efficiency.  We did not collect information on the extent of stakeholder involvement in the setting of goals.

Last updated: October 2015

Equity-Driven Approaches to Clean Energy Planning, Implementation, and EvaluationList All

Equity-Driven Community Engagement

We were unable to determine whether relevant decision-makers have taken a unique and expanded approach in conducting engagement for multiple clean energy initiatives with marginalized groups compared to engagement with other city constituencies.

Equity-Driven Decision-Making

We were unable to determine if the city has created a formal role for marginalized community residents or local organizations representing those communities to participate in decision-making that affects the creation or implementation of a local energy, sustainability, or climate action plan.

Accountability to Equity

We were unable to determine whether the city has adopted specific goals, metrics, or protocols to track how multiple energy, sustainability, or climate action initiatives are affecting local marginalized groups. 

Last updated: March 2020

Clean Distributed Energy ResourcesList All

CHP planning in Park City is conucted as part of the Georgetown University Energy Prize Assessment. 

Last updated: October 2015

Adaptive Mitigation List All

UHI Mitigation Goal

We could not verify if the city has adopted a quantifiable urban heat island mitigation goal.

UHI Policies and Programs

We were unable to determine if the city has adopted specific policies or programs that incorporate requirements or incentives to mitigate the urban heat island effect. 

Last updated: October 2013

Buildings Policies
Score: 8.5 out of 29 points
Building Energy CodesList All

Utah’s Uniform Building Code (UUBC) for residential and commercial building energy codes is mandatory statewide. The UUBC is based on the 2015 IECC with weakening amendments. While localities may adopt stretch codes, it is a difficult process to do so. To learn more about Utah’s building energy codes, please visit the State Policy Database


Park City adopted the UUBC. The city does not currently advocate for more stringent standards at the state level. 


Park City adopted the UUBC. The city does not currently advocate for more stringent standards at the state level. 

Last Updated: January 2017

Building Energy Code Compliance and EnforcementList All

Park City reported a budget of $1,200,000 for the building code department in 2014. This level of spending normalizes to $54.48 per $1,000 of residential construction spending for the city. Park City has not made third-party plan review or performance testing mandatory for code compliance, nor has it established either as a voluntary code compliance option. Park City holds upfront energy code trainings for architects and contractors.

Last Updated: October 2015

Benchmarking, Rating, & Transparency List All

Benchmarking is not required for any sector of buildings in Park City. The Park City MLS includes fields for energy-efficient features.

Last Updated: October 2015

Incentives and Financing for Efficient Buildings and Renewable EnergyList All

Building Energy Savings Goals

Park City has not yet published an energy-intensity reduction target for its private buildings.

Green Building Requirements

Park City has not yet established above-code building requirements for any class of building.

Energy Audit and Retrofit Requirements

Park City does not yet require commercial or residential buildings to take energy efficiency actions such as energy audits or retro-commissioning.  

Incentives and Financing for Efficient Buildings

Park City does not yet provide incentives or financing products for home or building owners making energy efficient upgrades.

Last Updated: October 2015

Score: 7.5 out of 28 points
Location Efficiency List All

Park City has not yet implemented location efficient zoning codes to be used across the city or in any specific neighborhood. Park City allows one or more parking space per residential unit. Park City has not yet written or codified a Complete Streets Policy. There are no incentives available through the city to promote location efficiency.

Last updated: October 2015

Mode Shift List All

Transportation and Land Use Planning

To improve integration of transportation and land use planning, Park City has a VMT reduction goal through a partnership between Park City and SLC. This plan has been codified and launched.

Car and Bicycle Sharing

There is a car sharing program currently available to the residents and visitors of Park City, Uhaul Carshare. There is not yet a bike sharing service available to the citizens of Park City.

Transportation Demand Management Programs

To reduce the frequency of single-occupancy trips, Park City supports city employee vanpool program and subsidizes over 60% of the cost.  The City allows employees to pay for public transportation expenses out of pre-tax earnings.  Park City Municipal allows flexible work arrangements, and telecommuting.

Last updated: October 2015

Public Transit List All

We did not find information on transit funding for Park City. 

The Transit Connectivity Index measures how many transit rides are available per week within walking distance from the average household. Park City’s Transit Connectivity Index value is 9,106, putting it in a lower category (5,000 - 10,000) available in the City Scorecard.

Last updated: October 2015

Efficient VehiclesList All

Park City offers priority parking at government facilities (City Hall, Library, Recreation Facilities) for vehicles rated at 40+ MPG or utilizing alternative fuel options (e.g., electric or CNG); carpools also qualify for priority parking. There are no incentives available for the construction of commercial or private EV charging infrastructure.

Park City prohibits idling of vehicles for longer than 3 minutes through Park City Municipal Code 9-10. Park City actively participates in the Utah Clean Cities Coalition, which aims to reduce petroleum use in transportation across Utah.

Last updated: October 2015

Freight System EfficiencyList All

There are no intermodal freight facilities within Park City’s boundaries. 

Last updated: October 2015

Community Energy Infrastructure
Score: 9 out of 18 points
Community Energy Infrastructure Summary List All

Rocky Mountain Power, an Investor-Owned Utility (IOU) and a subsidiary of PacifiCorp, is the primary electric utility serving Park City. Questar Gas, an IOU, is Park City’s primary natural gas supplier. The State of Utah requires utilities to biennially file integrated resource plans to include demand-side resources and associated programs. Utah’s electric utilities must reduce the state’s electric consumption by 1% annually, and natural gas must decrease by 0.5% annually. To learn more about the state-requirements for electric and gas efficiency, please visit the Utah page of the State Database.

The Park City Water Department is the municipal utility which provides drinking water, wastewater treatment, and stormwater management services to Park City.

Last Updated: October 2015

Electricity and Natural Gas Efficiency SavingsList All

According to EIA, in 2014, PacifiCorp spent $45,438,000 on electric efficiency programs, representing 2.28% of its annual revenue. Due to these programs, PacifiCorp reported a net incremental electricity savings of 243,343MWh, representing 0.99% of its retail sales. We did not find spending figures for 2014 natural gas efficiency programs. Spending on electricity and natural gas represented in this section covers the entire Utah service territory, not just Park City. Rocky Mountain Power offers electric efficiency incentives and technical assistance to residential and commercial/industrial customers. 

Park City partners with Rocky Mountain Power and Questar to increase participation in its energy efficiency programs through the Low Carbon Diet program, a community-wide effort to reduce the carbon footprint of each household in Park City. The City provides direct funding and staff time.  To advocate on the state level for increased spending and savings requirements for the utilities, Park City submits formal comments to the Public Service Commission. Park City also advocated for legislative changes to allow Commercial PACE programs.

Last Updated: October 2015

Provision of Energy Data by UtilitiesList All

Rocky Mountain Power has committed to providing the Green Button data sharing platform, but has not yet implemented the service. Rocky Mountain Power currently does not provide Park City’s building owners and managers with automatic benchmark data for inputting into Portfolio Manager. Any customer may authorize Rocky Mountain Power to share energy usage data with a designated third party. Park City advocate to the state for improvements in home energy data provision by the electric utility.

Last Updated: October 2015

Efficiency Efforts in Water ServicesList All

Water Efficiency

The Park City Water Department has set a goal to reduce its per capita water consumption by 25% by 2050 from a 2000 baseline. In order to meet this goal, the water utility offers its customers Free Water Checks - water usage tests for a home's or business's irrigation system. Rebates are also available for smart controllers and efficient irrigation systems. In 2014, the Park City Water Department launched WaterSmart, providing individualized feedback to users on their water consumption and has seen a 5% decrease in water consumption to date. 

Energy Efficiency and Self-Generation

Park City's Water department has not yet established a target for energy efficiency through municipal water services operations. However, the department has integrated a number of efficiency measures into the system and explores energy impacts (and potential efficiency upgrades) as part of project construction planning.  The department also intends on integrating micro-hydro turbines into the system for electricity generation in 2014, though there are not self-generation facilities incorporated into the Park City wastewater treatment facilities just yet.

Green Stormwater Infrastructure

The City has instituted a Storm Water Quality Credit Program to raise funds through storm sewer fees for non-residential properties that use Landscaping, Water quality, underground detention measures. Discounted rates are subject to approval by City Engineer and are based on reduction in peak discharge and volume of stormwater discharged to city facilities and water quality loading reductions. Park City does not currently offer public funding for green stormwater infrastructure on public property.

Last Updated: October 2015

Local Government Score:
7 out of 15 points
Local Government Climate and Energy Goals List All

We did not find information regarding a greenhouse gas or energy use reduction goal in Park City. 

Last updated: October 2015

Procurement and Construction Policies List All

Vehicle Fleets and Infrastructure

Park City has a policy to review fleet vehicle purchases with the following categories in mind: fuel efficiency, emissions, upfront and lifecycle costs, safety, and operational need.  City staff has developed a tool that uses data from to determine the most appropriate choice in each vehicle class.  Park City also has an anti-idling policy for the municipal vehicle fleet and the same policy dictates that managers are responsible for ensuring efficient driving practices are used by employees.  We did not identify any city-operated electric vehicle charging stations.

Public Lighting

Park City does not have efficiency requirements for public outdoor lighting, but city staff incorporates energy efficient lighting (including LEDs) into lighting replacement and new fixture projects.  Outdoor public lighting in main corridors is operated via a photo sensor so it only operates when needed.

New Buildings and Equipment

Municipal buildings as well as city-funded and managed projects must meet the requirements of the city’s green building policy, but we could not find information indicating that any additional specific standards for energy efficiency are included in the policy.  Park City’s internal purchasing policy requires the city to purchase products and equipment that meet ENERGY STAR certification when possible.

Last updated: October 2015

Asset Management List All

Building Benchmarking and Retrofitting

Park City benchmarks 79% of its total municipal square footage in Portfolio Manager.  The city entered into an energy assessment and retrofit contract with Johnson Controls in 2009 that covered all major municipal facilities.  Park City is currently working on an RFP to complete a follow-up assessment along with procuring additional technical training for the city’s building maintenance staff who maintain mechanical and other energy systems.

Public Employees

Park City allows city employees to telework; managers approve teleworking arrangements on a department-by-department basis. 

Last updated: October 2015